There were 24 attendees and 4 apologies for absence. All churches in the town were represented. Rev Rupert Hankey took the chair and Jane Robb the minutes. Welcome and prayers were led by Rupert Hankey.


Reports were circulated before the meeting and questions and additional comments were invited at the meeting.

Schools Ministry Billericay (SMB) report from Gary Bott

Support is ongoing at Mayflower High School following the tragic incident that resulted in the loss of one pupil’s life and significant injury to another. Continuing prayer was asked for the senior leadership team at Mayflower High School.
In the light of this event, SMB are in the process of reflecting on and reviewing their response processes to prepare for any future emergency situations. There was an amendment made to the report. Nineteen (not twelve) amazing Christmas events had been led by the SMB team in the run up to Christmas in the primary schools in the town. Gary wanted to formally thank the staff, trustees, volunteers, and others who support the work of SMB in various ways and reported that there are ongoing discussions with a potential new trustee. All are invited to SMB’s AGM on 14th March at 10am via Zoom.

Foodbank report from Jim Rose

On behalf of the Foodbank Jim thanked all the churches in the town for their ongoing support of the Foodbank. Stuart Gibbs reported that there had been amazing feedback from recipients of the Christmas food parcels and gifts that had been given out over the festive period.

Street Pastors (SP)

No report was circulated from SP prior to the meeting but Phil Norton reported that there had been significant encouragement from external agencies that SP partner with (Police, Land Sheriff, Community Wardens and Greater Anglia) and gratitude for the impact SPs are having in the community. Billericay and Basildon SPs have been nominated for a King’s Award. They have progressed through the first three stages of the process and the recommendation has now been put forward from Essex to the national committee. All are invited to SPs AGM on 17th March at 3pm at the Community Hub. As part of that meeting an exciting new vision for the work will be shared.

Forging Men report from Stuart Gibbs

Events reports

CTB at the Soapbox Derby and SummerFest from Gary Bott. In relation to SummerFest it was noted that whilst CTB does not have a marquee many Christians from churches across the town are involved in the event through SP, FB and Revive Spiritual Spa.

Events Report (Christmas Market) report from Pauline Randall. Pauline underlined that more people were needed to be involved in serving refreshments. Feedback was requested on the activities that had occurred at the Community Hub with SPs, Revive Spiritual Spa and Baby Basics being involved. There had been a steady stream of interactions throughout the day and several meaningful conversations as well as opportunities to pray for people. Bishop Adam made a surprise visit on the day.

Church Leaders’ meeting (CLM) report from Andy Robb

This was the first time a CLM report was brought to the AGM. It was as the result of a request for a report at CTB AGM in 2023. It was agreed that it was a useful summary and would provide a template for future years. It was reported that some of the CTB reps are not getting the minutes of the CLMs emailed to them.

It was explained that as there is currently no secretarial support for CLM, responsibility for distribution of the minutes does lie with church leaders. It was agreed that this would be taken back to the CLM in February for further discussion.

Christmas Day lunch report from Lorraine Harris

Lorraine added that a number of the volunteers are from the community and bring their children along to help as well. There was encouraging feedback of ongoing contact with one lady who had attended the lunch.

Football Pastors report from Gary Bott

Gary added that there were deepening relationships at the club and a sense that they were ‘pastoring the crowd’. Relationships with the owners remain good.


Accounts and budget proposals were circulated prior to the meeting. The accounts were accepted, Lorraine thanked, as was Ian Rudkins who examines the accounts. As there had been no CLM in January the budget proposal had not been discussed by CLM in advance of the AGM. It was agreed that the proposal would be discussed at February’s CLM. It was noted that according to the CTB Constitution (February 2023) the budget and church contributions need to be agreed at the AGM.
It was agreed at the meeting that an additional CTB meeting would be held prior to the next Love Billericay Prayer and Worship event on 20th March at Christ Church for the necessary approvals to be made. Time to be confirmed.


CTB website: Moses informed the meeting that John Greenway, who has been managing the website for many years, wishes to retire from his role.. It was agreed that a further discussion was needed around the vision and purpose of the website and whether a separate subgroup was needed to progress this. To be discussed at the February CLM.

Billericay Methodist Centenary Celebrations: Moses invited all to two events that were happening at Western Road Methodist Church to celebrate this significant achievement. Posters will follow.
• A memory lane exhibition - Saturday, 2nd March 10:00 am - 1:30 pm • Centenary Celebration Service - 3rd March 3:00 pm followed by a finger buffet.

Billericay Baptist Church: Gary said that the church would be celebrating 60 years later in the year. Discussions were underway regarding how to mark the event.


4th February 2025, venue to be agreed.

The meeting was closed in prayer by Rupert Hankey.