Football Pastors continues to link in with Billericay Town Football Club, attending both men’s and women’s first team games. Our strap line of, 'Listening, caring, and cheering people on remains the basis for what we are about.

We mainly have good conversations with fans and that also includes paid and voluntary staff as well as owners. Occasionally we have opportunities to speak to players as well.

We were recently given some money from a supporter to help where we felt appropriate, and the money was used to buy sports equipment for a school in Kenya. The donor became quite emotional after I showed them pictures and videos of grateful children and staff.

The team of Pastors includes Gary and Bruce Bott, Stuart Gibbs and Richard & Christina Warrington. Richard and Christina mainly concentrate on the ladies’ team and Richard is also involved in walking football.

We also partner with Foodbank when they have their periodic ‘drop off’ days at the football club, mainly on a Saturday.

There have been recent conversations with the owners of both men’s and women’s teams about how we could support and link up more with health awareness and possible other initiatives. This is an ongoing conversation.

We welcome any further support from people thinking of becoming football pastors.

CTB holds some remaining funding for us, mainly for clothing.



Lorraine, Pauline, and the team do a fantastic job running the CTB marquee, which is very well attended throughout the day, as it engages well with younger families. The soap boxes are fun to watch but with little else for children to do, this is a massive draw for people attending.

Without doubt the need for support on the day, setting up and packing down is vital. Hundreds of people go through the marquee, and there is a real need for people to be there just to chat. With a wider team this could be a real asset to what is already a successful day.